September 11, 2001
This site is designed as a way to vent frustration, post views and opinions, and just generally piss people off. It's very therapeutic in concept, and does actually work to some level.
The issue is however that it doesn't do anything about the source. Oh well can't have everything.
Please keep in mind that this site is open minded. Any subject may be discussed, vented at, picked on, praised or just mentioned in passing. If anything that is said here deeply offends you then leave. I won't miss you ...really I won't. I won't think your rude, or spread too many rumors about you...promise.
Last time I checked freedom of speech was still in place ( honestly it has been a while since I checked) and I will exercise that right to the point of ridiculous. By the same token you have the right to disagree with anything or everything you see here. In fact I will eventually add a page for opposing views, just not right away. There is a feedback page, feel free to vent back. If I find anything of interest or of good argument then I will add a page for it. I do appreciate a good debate.
There will not be any censorship here!
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